A Level English: The nostalgia that consumes Hamlet

IMG_2267 Screen Shot 2015-06-26 at 11.55.43 Have you ever wondered why “Hamlet” was called Hamlet? Perhaps you have found yourself puzzling about why Shakespeare chose to double the name “Hamlet” for the deceased King Hamlet and the prince [his son]? I had continually been curious about the influences on why Shakespeare named his characters the way he did ever since the first time I read “Hamlet”- it was, like a persisting itch, a question that refused to go away. The words “why, why why” seemed to constantly haunt me in my dreams until, that is, I listened to a fantastic podcast made by Dr Emma Smith (of Hertford College, Oxford) concerning this very question.

The podcast was truly informative and enlightening, though I only wished I had listened to it sooner! I was suffering from the same problem I can imagine must plague many of us- a shortness of time. I would wholeheartedly encourage all of you to watch the full podcast, if you do happen to have the opportunity, which you can find here: https://podcasts.ox.ac.uk/hamlet

However, if you too suffer from lacking the time to watch the full audio, yet are curious to learn more, I have a solution for you. To be clear, I fully encourage you to watch Dr Smith’s podcast- it is most definitely worth it. However, whether you have a great deal of outstanding essays and coursework to finish, too little time for too much revision, you are much too excited to learn more to listen to the whole audio, your long day at work means when you get home you are too tired to concentrate, or you just want a quick solution, I have the notes I took during the lecture for you (Note: The pieces of writing in light blue are my additions to Dr Smith’s points). Whatever path you decide to take, enjoy! Screen Shot 2015-06-26 at 12.59.09 Screen Shot 2015-06-26 at 15.00.47 Screen Shot 2015-06-26 at 15.16.01 Screen Shot 2015-06-26 at 15.55.50 Screen Shot 2015-06-26 at 16.09.20

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